Sunday, 29 December 2013
Christmas Day
Elder Mitchell originally said we would call on Christmas Day between 2 and 2:30, but we missed a call from him on Christmas Eve while we were at our Carol Service, saying that there were some problems and he would be calling later. Needless to say we were disappointed to miss his call and that he couldn't say when we he would be able to call. So we waited and waited and waited and finally he called about 8 o'clock when we were at Linda's, his sister. She then took him on a tour of her house via Skype and the only way we could include Becky, his girlfriend was to get her on another device on another Skype account and talk via 2 different phones! It was so funny!
Christmas photos
Our tree |
Elders Tidwell and Mitchell |
Elder Mitchell |
Elders Tidwell, Mitchell, Callmore and Tauman |
Elder Mitchell calling home to say there was a change of plan for calling the next day (Christmas Day) |
Elders Mitchell and Tidwell |
Addlestone District |
Presents from the Ward and the Primary - mini missionaries |
Mini Elders Tidwell and Mitchell |
Close up of the mini missionaries |
I bring you glad tidings of great joy! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! sorry, got a bit excited....
Hello everybody!!!
I bring you glad tidings of great joy! IT'S
CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! sorry, got a bit excited....
Well this week has been a week full of finding! Again we
have had an unsuccessful week of getting in contact with any of our
investigators. They have all been busy and cancelled appointments or we just
haven't been able to get in contact with them. Nothing better then finding in
the rain.
We did get two new investigators this week which was good.
One of them is Betty, we met her on the street last week, she is from Ghana and
she has friends that are members of the church, which is cool. We actually got
to teach her this week which was really good. We aren't able to see her again
until the new year, but hopefully we can see her again.
The other his name is Elliot, he was a guy we found
So, on tuesday I got to go to the Temple which was
amazing!!! I love being at the temple, the spirit was so strong there and it
was great to be there with so many missionaries as well! The temple was almost
bursting at the seems from the amount of missionaries that were there. It was
great, and they had the nativity set up at the visitors centre which I was so
happy to see. And after going through for a session, they gave us a really good
lunch too! (There was this really nice carrot cake that was so good, I wanted
some more, but they didn't let me). It was good though, and coming back on the
train with all my packages during rush hour was interesting but it was all
On thursday, we went on exchange with our Zone Leaders,
which was good. Elder Tidwell got to go with Elder Holmes in the car which I
was a little jealous about, but it was good. I learned a lot from the other
Zone Leader Elder Popa so it was a good exchange and we worked hard.
Well sunday at church was good. Everybody else was teaching
the lessons this time, so we got to relax! (Ha! if there is such a word!) We
did have the opportunity to sing with the ward choir which was good. Pretty
much us 4 missionaries made up 80% of the men's side of the choir. It went well
though, and sounded good.
Also, yesterday, our ward had a baptism from the other
missionaries. It is a bit of a miracle story. Basically, about two weeks ago
they received this referral, her name is Shabnam. They got in contact with her,
and she asked if she could get baptized before Christmas. Turns out she had a
friend in Spain who was a member who was sharing the gospel with her, and then
she was chatting online with missionaries in the visitors centre. She got baptized
on sunday after church and she will be confirmed next week. I know it wasn't
our baptism, and we had nothign to do with the teaching, but it is always great
to see another one of God's children enter the waters of baptism.
So pretty much, that has been my week. Well, moves was meant
to fall on Christmas, but they have moved it to next week now, but I still
don't think anyone will be moving. I'll let you know though as soon as I
Well I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!
Lot of Love
Elder Zach Mitchell
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
One more week till Christmas...
Hey everyone!!!
I hope you have all had a good week! One more week until
Well, my week has been a pretty tough week if I am honest.
We have been flogged a lot, and had quite a few days that we weren't able to
teach a single person, even on the street. One day, we had four appointments
lined up, and they all fell through or flogged, which was discouraging, but
never mind.
We are still working hard though, and hopefully this week
will be better. Something funny I must share from this week though, I have no
idea how it happened, but we ended up teaching a gay couple.
We met one of them, James I think his name was, on the
street. He was friendly and as it was cold, he invited us back to his for a
drink, and a chat. Just after we got to his though, we hear the door opening,
and he goes "oh, that's Charles, my Partner" which was interesting.
They asked some pretty good questions though, and we managed to teach them the
restoration, and we gave them a Book of Mormon. It was an interesting
experience though... very awkward.
Another good thing from this week is that we had our Ward
Christmas party which was fun. We were hoping to have our investigator Innocent
come, but he flogged but anyways. It was a good party, there was lots of food,
which disappeared very quickly (before anyone says anything, I had hardly
any!). It was good fun though.
Sunday, church was an interesting day. Me and Elder Tidwell
nearly ended up running the whole day. So a few weeks ago we were asked to give
the Priesthood lesson, so we had to give that, and then on friday night, we got
a call from the 1st Councillor asking if we could both speak in sacrament
meeting on sunday, so we agreed to that, and THEN a few minutes before sunday
school starts, the gospel doctrine teacher comes up to us and asks, as relief
society were having a special thing, if we could cover the lesson for her.
Thankfully the 1st Councillor took over that for us. But it was a busy day.
Then, I'll share a little miracle we had. By sunday night,
we had no lessons at all that day, and we were just heading back to account
with our District Leader, when he calls and says we can move our accounting
time back 50 minutes if we wanted, so we had 50 minutes to go finding. In that
time, Elder Tidwell wanted to get 3 other lessons, so we went out and talked to
everyone we could. By the end of that 50 minutes, guess how many lessons we
had? 3! It was a small miracle, but after the week we had, it made me feel so
much better.
Well I am so excited for tomorrow, we are getting to go to
the temple which will be amazing!!! I haven't been to the temple for such a
long time, it will be great.
Well I hope you all have a good week.
I love you all!!!
Elder Zach Mitchell
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree......
We received an email from a sister in Addlestone Ward, Sis Tarr, who sent us a picture of Elders Mitchell and Tidwell.
Hello Families,
We have the privilege of having your sons serving on our
ward. They are
wonderful missionaries and good, respectful men. Thank
you for sharing them
with us. We have enjoyed having them in our home and
hearing their
As a mom of two missionaries, one serving now, I know
what it's like to get
a note here and a picture there. Enjoy!
Brenda Tarr
Addlestone Ward Family Home Evening
Hey everyone!!!
I am starting to hope I have miscounted somewhere and this
really isn't my 85th email, it is getting scary haha!
Well I hope you all have had a good week. Our week has been
a mixed week, full of fun and games (not really fun and games, we have been
working hard, but it has been interesting)
So the week started great. We had a ward family home
evening, that was better announced at church on sunday than it was attended,
but that it no problem, we still had quite a few of us there (10 if you include
us 4 Elders). We were doing the lesson, so we did it all about faith, and I set
up a maze of chairs they had to navigate while blindfolded, and they had to
listen to their guide and have faith that they would guide them the right way.
It was fun and went well. No one was hurt, which is always a bonus.
This week we did have some better luck with seeing some of
our investigators. First, we were able to get back in touch with Justin, which
was good. We lost contact with him again for a while, but we should be able to
see him again tomorrow. We also got back into contact with Osa, but we haven't
been able to see him yet.
We were able to see Crystal again on friday which was good.
She has been doing a lot of reading which is great! She has already finished 1
Nephi, which is amazing! She has been going through and making notes too which
is great! We did invite her to church on sunday, but she couldn't make it. She
did say though, since meeting us she is praying a lot more than she used to.
She used to only pray and ask for help, but now she prays even when things are
well which is good.
We also have a new investigator called Innocent. We met him
a few weeks ago, but we weren't able to arrange a specific time to meet him.
But we saw him again on saturday, and he says he has been reading the Book of
Mormon that we gave him, and he has some questions about it, that he will ask
us next time, as he has them written down. So we will be seeing him on saturday
and going with him to our ward Christmas party which should be fun.
Something I learned this week is that the adversary will do
anything he can to get in the way of this work, even if it involves messing
with some plumbing... So, since we moved to the flat the bath has had trouble
draining water, and over the last week is gradually got worse until it wouldn't
drain completely until about 3-4pm (after we finished using it around 7.30ish).
So we called the office, and between them and the landlady they brought out a
plumber. He managed to clear the blockage and it was draining great, and then
the next morning, Elder Tidwell got out of the shower and stepped into half an
inch of water all over our bathroom floor... So the Plumber had to come back
again on saturday and he spent all morning and part of the afternoon tearing
out our bathroom to find where the water was coming from, and he had to replace
the whole pipe. So that took out a chunk of time this week.
So yeah, we have had quite an up and down week, but we are
working hard, even though its cold, and gets dark at about 4... which is
annoying. people keep telling us that we should knock on their doors so late,
we are like "it's only 4.30!" its funny. We had someone threaten to call
the police on us the other day, which I shouldn't laugh about, but it is just
Well I hope you all have a good week!
Attached is some photos of my maze from last weeks Ward
Love you all!!
Elder Zach Mitchell
December's here!
Hey everyone!!!!
I hope you have all had a good week!! December is officially
here! I have no idea where the other 11 months went, but alas we are here now!
I hope you are all getting excited for Christmas, but at the same time remember
the true meaning of Christmas.
This week has had ups and downs if I am honest. We haven't
really been able to meet with any of our investigators sadly, so we have spent
a lot of time trying to find more. At the start of the week it all seemed to be
going well and we found 3 new investigators this week, but the weekend was
pretty tough. No one we spoke to wanted to listen and we got quite discouraged.
It is a new week though so we will move on and work hard.
We had a great Zone Conference on friday which was great! We
had a visit from Elder and Sister Teixeira which was great! there shared some
really inspirational ideas with us, and they gave us a lot of encouragement and
advise. (obviously the adversary didn't like that as it was after that
conference that the week got tough). It was a great conference though, and I
got to see quite a lot of the missionaries from my MTC group which was great!!
I wish there was more to tell you from this week, but we
haven't been able to meet with any of our investigators like I said, so it is
difficult to tell you how they are doing. We did get three new investigators
this week though, so we will see how that goes.
Well I hope you all have a good week.
I love you all!
Elder Zach Mitchell
Elders Darcey and Mitchell
Hey Dad, I'm glad you've had a good trip and have travelled
safe. I'm sure it must have been great seeing everyone.
Glad you got to attend church in Norwich again. That is what
I loved about serving in Reading, is that the building reminded me of Norwich.
I had laready heard that Elder Riki was an AP, he has been
for a while haha.
I'm not going to even comment on Mathew's hair...
Oh, guess who I met on friday at Zone Conference, do you
remember an Elder Darcy fro Dublin, he served his mini mission in Livi with
Elder Neilson. He met and I asked him where he was from and so he asked me (I
said Edinburgh because no one knows where livingston is) and he was like
"where about's in Edinburgh?" so I told him Livingston and then it
clicked and he was like "Are you Bishop Mitchell's son?" He says he
loved serving in Livingston, and he was telling me how great a ward mission
leader you were, which I already knew. I have a picture that I'll try and
Love you Dad!
Elder Zach Mitchell
Monday 25th November
Hello everyone!!
I hope you are all doing well and have had a good week!
Mine has had some high and low points, but that is life I
suppose, so I won't complain.
So I guess I will just run you through everyone we are
working with.
Justin, we were able to get in contact with, and we meant to
meet with him, but he hasn't been well these last few weeks so we weren't able
to get to see him. Osa, we were kinda able to see him, but it was hectic at his
place and we weren't really able to teach anything. Steven we were hoping to
see this week also, but he had some family stuff he needed to sort out. He did
text us on saturday night asking if he could come to church with us on sunday
though, but sunday morning he text again and said he wouldn't be able to make
it. And finally Charles...
We managed to get a member to come with us to see him on
tuesday, and the member we picked remembers going to see Charles 6 years ago
with the missionaries... The member told us in advance all his reasons for not
reading or praying or anything, and Charles brought up the same reasons why he
wasn't able to read or pray. Anyway, the next day, we got a call from Charles
asking if we could stop by at some point that day, so we went by and he
basically told us he didn't want to meet with us anymore. He wasn't reading the
Book of Mormon because it didn't interest him and he wasn't praying because he
says he physically can't pray (except he says the Islam prayers fine). Anyway,
he said that he doesn't want to waste our time, so sadly he dropped us. Never
mind. It happens.
One good thing about this week though is that we met a girl
called Crystal. We taught her on friday and it was a really good teach. She
seemed really interested in the Book of Mormon and in finding out more. It was
funny though as when we told her about the first vision, she said she had heard
it before from this tv show ages ago that was just back talking all religions,
and of course, as they do they took a dig at us. It was funny though, her
telling us some of the things they said about Mormons, it was so ridiculous
that you just had to laugh at it! but we should be seeing her next friday.
So yesterday we had our primary presentation which was
really good. It is always great to hear the children bear their little
testimonies in their own little way. It was good to hear all the primary songs
I remember from singing them when I was in primary (all those years ago).
So, as I promised last week, here are the 10 things we as
members can do to help the missionaries without giving them a referral (note
these are from Elder Walker, with my own insights added):
1. Learn the names of the Missionaries in the Ward. I know
for myself this is a big help to the missionaries, as for me there is nothing
worse than someone on sunday coming to shake your hand and having to look at
your badge before they actually say your name, so I agree with this.
2. Pray for the Missionaries in the Ward by name.
3. Pray for Missionary experiences. If you pray for them,
they will come. Big or small, pray for an opportunity to share the gospel.
4. Feed the Missionaries. I am sure all Missionaries will
agree with me on this one.
5. In Sacrament Meetings, look for those you don't know, and
introduce themselves. The signs on the front of our chapels say "Visitors
Welcome" we need to make them feel welcome, whether they are less-active
members who haven't been for a while, or someone who has never been before,
make them feel welcome.
6. Invite the Missionaries to teach you and your family the
Missionary lessons. Sometimes it is difficult for Missionaries to get a proper
sit down teach, so they need practice.
7. Offer to fellowship investigators and new members. Many
times, us Missionaries struggle to think of somehow who would be good to
fellowship our investigators when they come to church, so if you offer to help,
it will be much appreciated.
8. Offer your home for Missionaries to teach investigators
in. Allowing and investigator into your home will help them to feel the spirit
more, as your home will be somewhere that the spirit can more easily enter.
9. Decide not to be so shy about sharing the gospel. Just
make the decision not to be shy.
10. Offer to take investigators to the Temple and Visitor's
Centre. I know this one does not necessarily apply to all of us as nto all of
us have a temple nearby, but for those who don't you can start by regularly
attending the temple as much as your circumstances allow, to show the Lord that
you want a temple nearer to your home. (that is my personal opinion anyway, I
don't know if it works like that, but no harm in trying right?)
Well, if there was more time, I would tell you about last
P-days activity, and attach some photos, but I am short on time, so maybe next
I hope the 10 steps are helpful.
I love you all!!!
Elder Zach Mitchell
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Monday 18th November
Hey Everyone!!!
I hope you have all had a good week this week. Ours has been
quite a bit better then last week, thankfully.
So, first of all, Osa and Justin we have not been able to
see them this week. Justin we haven't even been able to contact, which is quite
strange. He hasn't answered our calls or replied to our texts, so we don't know
what is going on there. Osa, we have spoken to over the phone, but every time
we call him to set something up, he is always busy. So we don't know what is
going on then.
We have at least been able to meet with Brian briefly. We
stopped by last night, and he was busy, but he seemed happy to see us at least,
he has just been really busy. He said he would call us at the end of the week
and arrange a time we could meet though, which is at least a good sign.
Then we have an Investigator called Steven. I don't remember
if I have mentioned Steven before, but he is quite interesting. He comes from a
very Catholic family, but we have given him a Book of Mormon and he is really
interested in it. He says he feels that it is true, and he always calls it
"the Third Testament" He has at least read up to 1 Nephi 4, and we
have read some other bits with him, but he was telling us when we met with him
this week that he has always felt that there must be more out there, that the
Word of God didn't just stop at Revelations. It will be tricky though, as he
has a few issues with some "worldly things" is probably the best way
I could describe it, and he says that he won't change from being a Catholic.
Our miracle of the week though is Charles. Charles is a self
referral from He is an 81 year old man, who has been through 6
different religions in his lifetime, including Islam. He remembers meeting with
Mormons 20 years ago, and he remembers how happy they were, and he remembers
feeling good at any meetings he came to, so he wanted to find out more. He
wants to come to church with us too, but as yesterday we had Stake Conference
in Reading it will have to be this sunday. He seems really promising though.
So Stake Conference: It was great! We had a new Stake
Presidency called which was good, and because of that Elder Walker, of the
Temple committee and Elder Herbertson (from Scotland) were there. It was really
good. At the adult session on saturday evening, Elder Walker gave the members
10 easy things they can do to do missionary work WITHOUT giving the
missionaries a referral. I would share these with you as I had planned to, but
silly old me left my notebook back at the flat, so that will have to wait until
next week.
It was great to be back at Reading though, as we drove
though, I was able to reminisce a little at seeing all the streets I used to
walk down on a regular basis, and seeing the Reading buses (sad I know, but
they are all different colours!) and being back at the Chapel again! It was
great! And then, during the session, a member of the Reading Stake Presidency,
who was in Reading ward came in and sat next to me which was great! And as
Elder Holmes is our Zone Leader he was there too, so we got to see some of the
members there, including the Bishop. It was good fun.
Well I think that is all for my week.
I hope you all have a great week, and that you are all
getting your Christmas shopping done! (no hints or anything :P) Haha! I'm
Love you all!!
Elder Zach Mitchell
Sunday, 17 November 2013
18th October to 13th November
Mon Oct 28th
Hello Everyone!!
So this weekend just gone, I hit my 18 month mark! I am long
over the hill and plummeting towards the bottom now! 6 months to sexy has
officially begun, and it started today with 50 push ups!! How many I will get
done tomorrow or the rest of the week is yet to be seen (but I'll be honest
it'll probably be zero!).
So this week was really good. It started with us having a
multi-zone conference on tuesday which was great! It was good being able to
meet with so many other missionaries and to hear from our Mission President and
others who spoke to us.
So the only one of our investigators we have really been
able to see is Osa. We are still not sure how interested he is, but he has been
reading the Book of Mormon, and he says he still wants to come and see how we
worship, so we shall see.
Someone else worth mentioning though is Brian. So Brian, a
few weeks ago we were knocking and we met Brian. He said he doesn't have much
beliefs in God, and he didn't have time to talk with us, but he was interested
in finding out more about the church.We gave him a card and he
said he would check it out. Then we received him s a self-referral from the
website. We got in contact with him, but weren't able to set up an appointment,
so we stopped by one night this week, and we caught him in. He recognized us
and he let us in. We were able to teach him, and answer some of his questions
which was really good. At the end he said the closing prayer and he thanked God
for leading us to meet with him at this time in his life when is is trying to
make some changes. It was really good. Simple, but amazing. We are seeing him
later this week, and I am feeling really hopeful for it.
Sunday was really good. At church we watched the final
session of general conference as a ward which was really nice. It was good to
get another spiritual re-boost from conference. We also had a munch and mingle
afterwards too which was really good.
Before I wrap this up, something for you all to laugh at.
Autumn is a lovely season, its so beautiful with all the leaves turning
different colours and falling to the ground. But what puts a dampener on it it
what else falls to the ground. Acorns!!! The other day I got hit square in the
head! It hurt so badly!! And Elder Tidwell just laughed at me. You are all
laughing at me now too aren't you? Just you wait...
Love you all!!! :D
Elder Mitchell
Mon Nov 4th
Hey everyone!!!
I hope you are all well and had a lovely week!
This week was pretty good for us, we are getting quite a lot
of teaches now which I can't complain about. We have quite a few investigators
to work with now, but we have also had quite a few appointments cancel on us or
flog, so we have also had to drop a few people.
So just a run through everyone we are working with that is
worth mentioning.
Osa is doing great. He came to church on sunday which was
really great! We were able to pair him up with a member who is also from
Nigeria, who gave him a lift to church. As far as I could tell he had a good
experience. He had a lot of questions so in gospel principles we had a good
lesson with our wad mission leader. We was curious why, with Joseph Smith being
the "founder" as he called him, why there weren't any pictures of him
up in the chapel, so we explained to him how we focus our worship on Jesus
Christ. Osa does seem really interested in Joseph Smith and how he died for
what he believed in, which I feel is a good thing.
Also, I think it surprised the members a little that we had
someone at church. When we first got here they were jokingly asking why we
didn't have anyone at church, but yesterday when we had Osa there at least one
or two of the members said "wow, you guys don't hang around!" So I
think it had a good impression on the members.
Brian, we were due to see this week but he ad to cancel.
With working freelance he got called into work at late notice, so we weren't
able to meet with him. We have spoken to him on the phone though, and he says
that he has done a lot of reading and a lot of research and he still wants to
meet with us which is good. We also have a member in mind to bring to teaches
with him, so hopefully we can get tat arranged this week.
Another one I feel is worth mentioning is Justin. We met him
on the street the other week, and we had a good chat. We didn't get a return
appointment at that time, but we did get his details and gave him ours. So this
week, we got a text from him asking when we could meet up (that like never
happens!) so we saw him on friday, and had a good lesson with him. He showed
interest in reading the Book of Mormon and does want to come to church to see
what it is like. We should be seeing him again on Wednesday.
Elder Tidwell is doing well. He is getting more confident
when teaching and finding. e barely gives me a chance to say anything, but
thats better then not saying a word. He seems a lot more confident then I was
when I was a greenie that's for sure.
Well can you believe this is our last full week before moves
week? I still feel like I jut got here! i'm pretty sure I won't be moving
though, as President Millar doesn't like splitting up trainers and trainees, so
we should be here until christmas.
Speaking of which, we are trying to get some christmas music, tis the
season to be jolly after all!
I am trying to think of something funny to end this email
with but... I have nothing. anyways!!...
Hope you all have a good week!
Love you all!!
Elder Zach Mitchell
With November 10th being Remembrance Sunday I
remember the brief period when Elder Mitchell was in the Air Cadets. I mentioned this in my email (posted below)
and his response.
Elder Mitchell,
I couldn’t help but remember today the brief time you spent
as an Air Cadet. They were good
times. I never took the plunge and
joined the RAF – my preferred choice, but seeing you in uniform was good on the
day we remember those who gave their all – the ultimate sacrifice. As a family
I think we were so blessed that none of our direct forebears had to make that
gift. My dad – Granddad Mitchell was on the way to Singapore when it feel to
the Japanese – we can only wonder if he would have survived, but either way
being a Japanese POW wasn’t a picnic. At
school we had a master who was and although he had some funny stories to tell,
he kept the true horror to himself.
This week I have another week at Ashington and tomorrow I’ll
find out about next week and going to Wales.
Mum’s watching Christmas movies already!!! Can you believe that? There should be a campaign to kick Christmas
back into December!
Well it’s time to go.
Make these last six months count.
Love Dad
Hey Dad,
that is funny you should mention that, I was telling Elder
Tidwell about my time in the air cadets the other day too, we saw some air
cadets in town with the pots to collect money. I am glad Grandad didn't end up
in Singapore either, it didn't sound too great over there.
I can't believe people are getting ready for Christmas
already either, although at district meetings I do try and get everyone to sing
christmas carols haha!
Thank you for all you have done for me dad, for setting the
example by going on a mission and for raising me in the gospel.
Love you dad
Elder Mitchell
Mon Nov 11th
Hey Everyone!
I hope you are all doing well. I hope you are all managing
to stay as warm and dry as possible too, winter is definitely on its way now!
This week to be perfectly honest has been challenging. We
must be doing something right as we have had quite a bit of opposition this
week. I'll give you a run down of everyone we are working with and then you
will be able to see what kind of week we had.
First of all, Osa. Osa, for lack of a better phrase, seems
to be playing hard to get. We have called him or stopped by almost every day
this last week, and he always says he has had a long day at work and is tired
or he is never home. We saw him once briefly but he was just about to head out
so we haven't really been able to see him.
Justin we weren't able to see last week either. He called us
on wednesday to reschedule our appointment with him as something came up, and
he mentioned that he had done some research and found out about black's having
the priesthood restricted for a time. He wasn't angry about it or anything, and
Elder Tidwell dealt with it well and gave an explanation why, and Justin seemed
okay about it and we are still meeting him this week. Hopefully we will be able
to answer his questions and help him with his concerns.
Last of all Brian. So, also on wednesday, while we were
actually in District Meeting talking about how we could help Brian, he text us
and said that he has been doing a lot of research and from what he has seen the
church is a wonderful church, and he commented on how its teachings seem to be
from original sources (his words), but that he does not feel at a spiritual
level to be able to investigate it any further at this time. He was prepared to
give us the Book of Mormon back as he felt it would be of more use in the hands
of someone else. Thankfully we were able to call him that afternoon and talk a
little about things. He has agreed to meet with us again but he is busy with
work for the next few weeks so we have to wait for him to contact us to set up
a time.
So that is the week we have had really. We have still been
trying to find more people to teach as always, but with a start to the week
like that it has been hard.
Hopefully this week will go better though, and this weekend
Staines have their Stake Conference which will be good. However because the
Staines chapel is so small, they will have to hold the sunday session at...
guess where... Reading!! I'm so excited to go back to Reading again. Even if I
don't see any of the members there or anything, just being back there will be
so cool!
Anyway, I hope you all have a good week!
Attached is a photo of my boy in his tartan!! (sorry its not
that good a pic)
love you all
Elder Zach Mitchell
Moves news – Wed Nov 13th
Hey everyone!!!
Just letting you know what is happening, as I thought me and
Elder Tidwell are staying put, so we will be together for Christmas (unless
president is really mean and decides to change moves to the week before
christmas, as moves day falls on christmas this year, but he will probably move
it to the week after.)
Love you all!!!
Elder Mitchell
Sunday, 27 October 2013
October brings changes
September 30th brings 2 emails, his general weekly one and another telling us of his new assignment. All will be revealed!
October 14th
Hey everyone!
So I don't know what is happening, my emails have been
really weird today, I've had emails bouncing back saying they haven't sent, but
then I have had a reply to them so I have no idea what is going on...
So this week has had ups and downs I guess. It has been a
good week teaching wise, we have worked hard and had a lot of teaches and met
some really nice people, but we have also had some disappointing news I guess
you could say.
So to run you through the people we are working with. Lucy
we were able to meet with again on friday, but we are really considering
dropping her now. We were on exchange and one of our Zone Leaders came on the
teach with me, and he said it might be an idea to drop her too. She says she is
open to listen to us, but she isn't. She has already made her mind up about
"mormonism" and just wants to bash with us, prove us wrong and
convert us. So we feel it is pretty pointless meeting with her again.
Rebecca, we have some sad news about too. She text us this
week and thanked us for visiting her, and being so friendly and everything, but
she said that she feels that being a mormon isn't the way for her, and that she
wants to stick with catholicism. We asked if we would be able to visit her one
last time but she didn't reply. So that was a really down part of our week.
Sonia we saw briefly on friday before she headed to an EFY
reunion dance in Reading. She is doing good, but has been really busy with
schoolwork so hasn't been able to meet with us. Hopefully we will be able to
see her at some point this week though.
We have some other people we are hoping to work with , but
it is still early days I guess.
It is also moves week this week, and I already know I am
getting a new area, so I shall tell you where, and who my new companion is and
my new address when I get to my new area, either on wednesday or probably
I hope you all have a good week.
I love you all so much!!
Elder Mitchell
Livingston Ward had just sent another 2 missionaries to the London South Mission, and Elder and a Sister. This explains his next email.
Hey everyone,
this isn't my big email, that is why I am only sending it to
you guys.
So we normally don't get moves calls until monday evening,
but Leadership calls come out sunday evening now so... we already know what is
So.... Elder Davies, he is staying in Wandsworth, he is
staying as the District Leader, and he will be training! So what is happening
with me I hear you ask!
So President talked to me on the phone last night as well.
He is moving me to a new area. The ward is Aldershot, but I will be opening up
a new area in Woking. He also said that I will be whitewashing there, so
neither me or my companion will know the area. And that leads me onto my
companion.... He also said.... That I'm going to be training a new
I am excited and nervous and just so grateful for the trust
the Lord has shown in me in calling me to train. One thing though, none of you
tell the Mackay's that I am training a new missionary, just because of who is
currently in the MTC.
Oh yeah, just a head's up, I may be sending a package (or
two...) home as I have a lot of stuff. We will see though.
I'll let you all know how my week has been in another email.
I love you all!!
Elder Mitchell
As you can imagine the suspense was killing us as we waited to learn if his new companion was to be Elder Mackay or someone else.
October 7th
Hey Everybody!
First of all, I am sorry that I am emailing so late, and
also I am so sorry that so many of you have emailed me and I haven't replied. I
am not ignoring you don't worry, it is just today has been a little bit rushed
and stressful. Hopefully next week we will have more time to email so I can
reply to all of you then. Thank you all anyway.
So, for the benifit of those who have not heard what
happened with moves (which I have a feeling is not many of you as the word
seems to have spread really quickly...) I will tell you what has happened. So,
I would say I got whitewashed to a new area, but that would only be partly
true. I have opened up a completely new area in Woking, part of the Addlestone
Ward in Staines Stake. The other half of that news is that I am training a new
missionary! His name is Elder Tidwell, he is from Kayesville Utah, he is 18
(makes me feel old).
So the new area is good. A few downsides are, there is not
really any public transport. There are trains and that is about it. So we
pretty much have to walk everywhere. Also, as it used to take so long for the
Addlestone missionaries so long to get to Woking, there was hardly any work
done here, so we are literally starting from scratch. Also, it takes us about
an hour to get to our chapel. We have to get a train to Weybridge, and from there
get another train to Addlestone. It only really trains like 15 minutes or so,
but what takes so long is makign the connections, if you miss a train you have
to wait half an hour. Also, I'm not being ungrateful for General Conference,
but we still haven't met the members yet, which makes it a little difficult.
On the plus side though, we have such a nice flat! It is
really nice and spacious (mainly because there isn't much in it) and the
members they gave us so much stuff! Our ward misison leader (one of the few
members we have met) dropped off at least 2 car loads full of food, and
cleaning supplies and just general stuff for our flat, including a study table
and chairs. Also one of the good things about being here is that Elder Holmes,
my first companion in Reading is one of my Zone Leaders, so I am happy to serve
around him again. And, one last thing I am happy about, McLaren HQ is in our
area. How cool is that???!? We passed it on the way to the flat, just passed a
massive sign saying McLaren. So I am happy :)
So there is not much to tell you about work wise, so I will
jsut tell you how much I enjoyed conference. It was so amazing to be able to
hear from our Prophets and Apostles. A lot of it was what we needed (or what I
needed) with our new area and the responsibilities we have. I loved both of
President Uchtdorf's talks, especially the one where he shared the skiing
story. I also loved Elder Holland's talk, and Elder Ballard's talk (not just
because he mentioned visiting missionarires in Europe, and I was there :P) they
were really inspiring and uplifting. Also President Monson's tlak in the sunday
morning session (I think) was really touching.
Well sorry this is not so long, we don't have too much time
to email. We were going to the library to email, but all the computers were
taken, then by the time we got shopping done, we had to head through to
Addlestone to the chapel to meet some of the missionaries in our district, and
so we are emailing at the chapel. Trouble is there is only one computer, so I
need to let Elder Tidwell on, so I better wrap this up.
I love all of you!
Elder Mitchell
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Elder Tidwell and Elder Mitchell |
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The Livingston Missionaries: Elder Mackay, Sister McKay and Elder Mitchell |
Hey everyone!
Am I really at 77 emails already? I hope I've just
miscounted, but I don't think I have...
Well this week has been quite good. We have worked hard, and
we are starting to build up our teaching pool.
We have mainly been trying by less-actives, and former
investigators, and then knocking houses either side if they weren't home. We
have seen some success and we have had quite a few people invite us to come
back. We had one of them flog on us, but never mind.
Church was good. We finally got to meet the members which
was nice. It is only a small ward but they were all so welcoming and friendly
towards us. One family even gave us a toaster (which Elder Tidwell had been
bugging me about getting one since we got here haha!). It was really good, and
hearing everyone's thoughts of general conference was wonderful.
I guess last week, as I wasn't able to share my thought on
conference due to time, I will share some this week. Everyone has of course
been talking about Jeffery R Holland's talk, which was wonderful don't get me
wrong, but I'm sure I cannot say anything about that talk that has not already been
said. My favourite talk I think was President (I'm going to butcher the name I
know) Utchdof. Both his talks in the saturday morning session and the
priesthood session were wonderful. Also I think it was Elder Oaks and Elder
Packer who both went through the Articles of Faith and the Ten Commandments was
really insightful.
Well I am running out of time so I had better wrap this up.
I will wrap it up with an interesting act, and then a scripture.
Interesting fact. Woking is where H. G. Wells (I think
that's his name) wrote or based War of the Worlds (there is a big silver
martian statue it town centre) which is pretty cool.
Scripture. Jacob 6:12 "O be wise, what can I say
You were expecting something really inspiring there weren't
you? fooled you! haha!
Love you all!
Elder Zach Mitchell
October 21st
Hey Everybody!!
So this week has been full of the usual... finding, finding,
finding. It has been quite good though, we have mainly be focusing on trying by
the former investigators in the area, and we have had quite some success. We
have found quite a few people from this.
Just to give you a quick overview of some people we are
working with:
There is kayleigh who is a fairly young mum with 2 kiddies
and a 3rd on the way. She is married though, but her husband Jamie doesn't seem
too interested. But Kayleigh's grandparents are members and just got back from
serving a temple mission in the london temple which is cool.
There is also a guy named dave. He is from Dumfermilne, so
it is good to hear an accent I recognize (and that sounds better then the weird
accent they have down here near london). He has a cousin who is a member in
Paisley, and invited us back because she was such an example to him and he was
facinated by it.
Also, another guy worth mentioning is Osa. He is from
Nigeria. He has seen the church and missionaries around in Nigeria and over
here, and has spoken to them, but never about the church. We found him by
trying by a former investigator, but they didn't live there anymore. He invited
us back and he asked a lot of good questions. He seemed amazed that the Prophet
Thomas S Monson is over 80 years old, and he also couldn't get over how Joseph
Smith And Hyrum Smith were killed for what they believe in. So he is getting
caught up a little bit on the details but there is some potential there.
So this sunday, all of the new missionaries in the ward (3
of us) were asked to share our favourite scripture in sacrament meeting and
talk about why they are our favourites. Well I found this a little difficult
narrowing it down to one. As I said in my talk, I felt like a little kid who
had just been taken to a cadbury's store and told "now you can only have
1!" So I started my picking a topic, and then narrowing it down from my
favourite 20 odd scriptures on that topic.
I spoke about the atonement, and how it can bless our lives.
I shared, 1 Nephi 8:10-12 and spoke about what the fruit was and why Lehi
desired to share it. Then I linked that to 2 Nephi 2:8 and how it is important
to share that fruit. Then I went on to talk about Jesus was able to save us an
extend us mercy and grace, and I went to Mosiah 3:7 and then my favourite (on
this topic anyway) Alma 7:11-13. I spoke about how no matter what we go through
in life, the savior knows, as he has experienced it for us, so that when we go
through those hard times, He can be there right beside us. Then I shared the
3rd verse of How firm a foundation, then just bore my testimony of the
I think it went quite well, the members seemed to enjoy it
anyway, they enjoyed all of our talks. I just hope I was able to say what the
Lord needed me to say.
Well I am going to end this email on a funny note. I have
attached a photo, and with it I ask, "At what point does loose change become
just ridiculous?" There is £1.90 in 1p's, £2.30 in 2p's and £7.40 in 5p's
(this is what I have saved since Paignton by the way, not what I have got since
coming to Woking.
I love you all!
Elder Zach Mitchell
Monday, 23 September 2013
Another major catch up
Email 69 - 19th August
Hey everyone!
So I managed to get back on to
finish my emails properly as we didn't get too much time this morning.
So highlight of this week was, on
tuesday we had a special multi-zone conference in Crawley where we got to see
Elder David F. Evans of the seventy. It was a quite inspirational conference
and I learned a lot from what was shared.
Other then that, we haven't
really been up to much this week. We have been in the flat most of the week to
allow Elder Coons to recover a little so that he is well enough to go home. It
is amazing that I don't know what to do with free time anymore as I'm not used
to having any.
We were at least able to see Tara
and her mum Joyce though which was good. We talked with them a little about
prophets and watched the dvd about Thomas S monson "on the Lord's
errand" with them, as in the baptismal interview our district leader said
we needed to go over it again, as she wasn't too sure about prophets, or
couldn't remember it very well. It wasn't a major concern though, as she is
only 9 years old, so it wasn't anything to stop the baptism going ahead. They
are doing well though. Tara will be at her dad's for the next 2 weeks though
before she goes back to school so we won't get to see her for a little while.
We will keep in touch through her mum though.
So Elder Coons goes home
tomorrow, his Bishop and mum are coming to pick him up in the car, so until
Wednesday I will be with the elders in Mitcham. Just a heads up though, his
sister is going to the temple on saturday to go through the temple for her
endowments and so he will be there too, so maybe keep an eye out for him.
Well, as far as I now I will be
staying in Wandsworth for one more transfer, but we will have to wait and see,
the call should come through tonight so we will know soon. I will of course let
you all know as soon as I know.
I love you all!
Elder Mitchell
22 Aug
Hey everyone! just to let you
know moves news, I am still in Wandsworth. My new companion is an Elder Davies
from Merthyr Tydfil, in South Wales. He has been out 6 months and this is only
his second area, and he is our new District Leader, so this transfer should be
Love you all
Elder Mitchell
Email 70 – 26 Aug
Hey everyone!
Hope you all had a good week. For those of
you who were at the temple on saturday (especially Cameron, Sarah and Heather)
I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful spirit there.
So this week has been pretty good. My new
Companion Elder Davies is a star! We have been working hard to build up the
area again. We haven't been able to find any new investigators yet as everyone
we talked to didn't want to set a solid return appointment, but we have been
talking to lots of people. We managed to get 20 lessons, and that is just
really from wednesday evening when Elder Davies got here (As I was in Mitcham
in a tri for Monday and Tuesday). So next week should be good.
I just want to share some cool things that
happened this week. First of all, I spoke to my first person on a bus. Normally
that is way out of my comfort zone, but this time I managed it. We got on the
bus at the same stop, and I saw this girl before the bus came, and felt I
should speak to her, but just as I was building up my courage to do so, the bus
came. Luckily though she sat at the back of the bus, and the rest of the seats
at the back were free too so I sat next to her and started talking to her. It
was really good and she was really nice. She was from Atlanta which was cool. I
was gutted though because, just as I started sharing the First Vision, she hit
the stop button as her stop was coming up. I at least finished the first vision
and gave her a pamphlet, hopefully she will read it and give us a call.
Also, last night, we had about 10 minutes
before we had to jump on the tube so we could get back to the flat for dinner
and to account with the district, so we were outside Tooting (yes there is a
place called Tooting, I think its halarious!) Broadway station, and looking for
someone to talk to. I saw this girl by the road just standing there and felt we
should talk to her, after getting that feeling a few times I said to Elder
Davies lets talk to her, so we did. She was really nice and seems really
receptive. I just hope she will give us a call at some point so we can meet up
with her again.
For me, those are the two main highlights
from the week I guess.
Well I hope you all have a good week. And
Heather, as you will probably be gone by the time I email next, good luck on
your mission, you will do fantastic, and I will see you in 18 months!
Love you all!
Elder Mitchell
Email 71 – 2 Sep
Hey everyone!
A few of you have emailed saying you can't
believe I only have 9 months left. Well in that case you really won't be able
to believe it when I tell you I actually only have 8 months left. I'm not
counting or anything.
Well this week has been pretty good. We have
been working hard and things are starting to pick up. We are getting the ward
more involved and starting to work more closely with the ward council. The
Relief Society President gave us a list of some people she hasn't seen at
church in a while so we have been visiting some of them and it has been pretty
good and those people has been receptive and friendly so we will hopefully be
working with them. We are also trying to work with the ysa and with the youth.
There are some of the youth who are a little bit shakey at the minute and so we
want to strengthen them, especially one particular youth, who is the son of our
ward mission leader, he hasn't been to church for at least a month. His name is
Brigham Young, which I find quite funny, having to reactivate Brigham Young.
Cool miracle that we had this week. One of
the Ysa brought her 15 year old cousin to church on sunday so we started
talking to them. Turns out they both went to EFY this year and the cousin (a
non-member) loved it! So we asked her if she wants to find out more, and she
said she would be interested in finding out more of the teachings. It is great
as the ysa has just started her mission papers and so we can help her learn
what she will be teaching and teach her cousin at the same time!
Apart from that we have just been trying by
some former investigators and some less-actives. It has been quite good and we
have met some really nice people who hopefully we will be working with soon.
Oh yeah, something else exciting. On the
10th, Elder Dallin H Oaks will be coming to Wandsworth for a special fireside,
or something like that. Elder Kerian and Herbertson will be with him too, but
that is really exciting and the whole stake is excited about it. So this will
be the 2ndApostle I've got to see since coming to London, cool or what?
Anyway, I can't think of anything more to
share with you guys. There are some funny stories I could share, especially
from last monday when we ended up in Peckham for lunch, but I think that is a
post-mission story.
Well I hope you all have a good week. Oh and
Andrew (Elder Patterson) I'm glad you will be able to re-join me in the
harvest! You'll do great bro!
Love you all
Elder Mitchell
ps. Is there a specific wrist men should wear
their watches on? We have a less active that if I go to hers again with it on
the wrong wrist she will slap me, and she actually will because she is from
Email 72 – 9 Sep
Hello everyone!!
I hope this is actually my 72nd email, if
not, ah well!
Anyway, not too much time today as we are
currently in an internet cafe emailing as the zone leaders are using the ones
of the chapel preparing for Zone Training later this week, and the other
computers are out of order at the minute. So I only have an hour this week to
do everything...
This week has been good, me and well I would
say Elder Davies, but he hasn't been here for part of the week as we have had 3
exchanges this week and he only stayed in his area once! (the joys of being a
District Leader) Anyway, we have been working really hard this week. In total
we got 27 teaches this week, which is the most I have ever achieved on my
mission so far. It's not a competition though (which is good because the rest
of our district got more than us!) those are 27 people who we helped come
closer to Christ.
Just a quick word about Sonia, we were able
to see her twice this week which was good. Her Cousin was there and even one of
her young women friends from the other ward was there one time which was great.
It helps that both of them have a solid testimony and are there to support
Sonia which is great.
Joyce and Tara are both doing well also, Tara
is back from her Dad's and was happy to finally meet "the new guy"
Elder Davies. They are both doing well though, and Joyce just got a calling in
the Young Women's presidency which is cool!
We had a good Ward Council meeting on sunday
too, I feel it was effective. We were only in there for an hour (quite a
record) and then we had to go as we were teaching Sonia afterwards, but we got
the whole hour to talk about the people we were working with and to report back
on people they had asked us to see. It was good and I feel the ward council is
beginning to trust us more which is going to be a great help.
Anyway, I just realised we only have 5
minutes left on the computer so I better wrap this up.
I will let you know how Elder Dallin H Oaks
goes. I nearly got to be in the choir but one of us has to be free to welcome
our investigators so Elder Davies is singing instead.
Anyway, gotta run.
Love you all!!
Elder Mitchell
ps. I have a funny story to tell about Bishop
Cooke from Clapham ward, (the guy in the mormon message from jamaica who talks
all about the book of mormon) but it is another post-mission story haha!
Email 73 – 16 Sep
Hello everybody!!
So this week, there has not been too much
that has happened, but a lot has happened, if that makes sense... It doesn't,
does it? I know what I mean!
So, where to start...
Okay, first to let you know how everyone is
doing quickly. Sonia is doing good, we saw her at youth night on thursday. She
is being well fellowshipped by all the youth which is good to see. We haven't
been able to see her this week apart from that though as her dad was back from
Dubai, as we works there a lot and only gets to come back every now and then,
so she wanted to spend time with him, which I think is reasonable. We will
hopefully see her this week though.
Also, I don't know if I told you about Lucy.
She is a born-again christian that we met the other week. We have met with her
a few times now. She seems to have the mindset of, yes she wants to find out if
"mormonism" is right, but if it isn't she wants us to know, which is
interesting. She seems to be trying to prove us wrong on everything though. She
studies everything we give her, but that comes back and brings all this
"evidence" of how its wrong, for example the prophecy in Amos 8 about
the great apostasy (well, dual prophesy) she studied and told us it isn't about
the great apostasy, so as you can imagine that is difficult. She also can't
accept the Godhead being 3 seperate beings (even though it is biblical) and she
is hung up on how we believe we can become like God (even though it is biblical
also), so yeah, we will see how that goes.
So other things that have happened this week.
On tuesday that Stake had a visit from Elder
Hebertson and his wife, Elder Keiran and his wife, and Elder Dallin H Oaks and
his wife. It was amazing and really inspirational. Elder Oaks is also really
funny. He shared a story from his first visit (of only three) to the UK as an Apostle
which was to Hull and he shared how a 10 year old girl gave him a letter which
he read part of, but the end is the funniest. It read; "I know you are an
Apostle because you are clean, and your head in shiny." But there was so
much to get from what was shared, it was truly amazing. If I shared with you
everything I got from it, this would be a seriously long email, and it wouldn't
even do justice to how amazing the meeting was.
So that was really good, and yes I did get to
shake Elder Oaks hand (crazy fangirl moment, I haven't washed my hand since...
Joking!). 2 Aposltes down, another 10 to go! Haha!
Also on thursday we had a Zone Training which
was really good. The best thing about it though was because of some news I got
from on of the Assistant's Elder Curran. I don't know if you remember me
mentioning a Blake Jones when I was back in Reading? He was the 13 year old
boy, who had seen the book of mormon musical, and signed himself up to meet the
missionaries. We lost contact with him for whatever reason. Well, it turns out
that, we lost contact because his parents weren't too keen about him meeting
with us, but he kept reading the Book of Mormon, he got right up to Helaman,
and then somehow got back in contact with the missionaries and now his parents take
him to church every sunday. So hearing that news made my day!
On saturday as well, we were supposed to have
a Stake Sports Day, but it rained so it was a really poor attendance (really
poor, there were more missionaries then members there). It was good fun though,
we played some touch rugby in the rain, and my team won of course! The
advantages of having a welshman (Elder Davies) and a South African on your team
So yeah, that has been my week.
I love you all!
Elder Mitchell!
Email 74 – 23 Sep
Hey everybody!
It is a scary time for Elder Mitchell just
now, the Sister missionaries from my group go home next week. It is a sure sign
that my time is coming, and coming fast... uh oh.
So this week has been good. We have been
working hard and have been able to teach a lot. Our teaching pool is slowly
getting bigger as we have a few more people to work with. I wish I could tell
you everything from this week, but we are getting low on time as we are meant
to be meeting with the rest of the zone at Elephant and Castle (genuine place
name, Elder Davies thought I was playing a trick on him when I told him we were
meeting there) at 2pm and its currently 1.39pm so.... I better make this quick!
Just to let you know how everyone is doing.
We haven't been able to see Sonia last week as she was busy, but hopefully we
will see her at youth night on tuesday. She is still doing good and her cousin
is encouraging her which is great.
Lucy, we haven't been able to see either as
she was away at a wedding when we normally meet with her, but we have kept in
contact and she is still reading the things that we have left for her which is
good. Hopefully we will be able to see her this week.
A miracle to share this week. We were in a
far out part of our area (so far out that we were nearly in another Stake)
trying by a less-active. He wasn't interested, but we decided to knock some
doors nearby. We found a house with 7 university students living there (there
were 4 there at the time, we later found out there were 7) and the first girl
we talked to, Rebecca, invited us to come back. So we went back on friday and
we were able to meet with Rebecca. She had a friend that also lives there that
wanted to meet with us but she wasn't there at the time. But we were able to
teach Rebecca and share the restoration with her. She asked a lot of good
questions which we were able to answer, and the spirit was really strong there.
All of us felt the spirit it was incredible. She said she would love to find
out more, so hopefully we will be able to see her later this week.
So that is all I can really say about this
week (mainly because I am really out of time) but I hope you all have a good
Just a head's up, next week is the week of
moves. I should be able to email quickly on monday, but if not don't panic.
Love you all!
Elder Mitchell
Mitchell was fast approaching his 18 month mark. I don’t normally include my emails in the
blog, but I include this one and his response.
Dear Elder Mitchell,
I know it’s not often I start my emails
to you that way, but there’s a reason. I’ve been thinking that very soon
you will be out for longer than I was. I’m not sure now if it was 19
months or 18 and a half that i was out for, but for two weeks I was the longest
serving missionary in the mission, not even the mission president had been out
longer than me! Well the reason I’m telling you this is that I finally
realised that I knew what it was to be a missionary but I was going home.
It seemed to me that it took me 18 months to figure it out but then it was too
late. Maybe I was a slow learner, maybe I was very shy and lacked the
self confidence that others seemed to have in abundance (how else can missionaries
get to be APs, Zone Leaders when they haven’t been out for very long?)
Either way, I’m telling you now you know all there is to know. That’s not
to say you wouldn’t learn things in the remaining months of your mission, but
you know what it takes to be a missionary, you have found and taught and
baptised. I think one more and you will have had as many baptisms as I
did. I know it’s not a competition, but you can still do more. You
will be one of the senior missionaries of the mission – an elder statesman if
you like, and the missionaries that have been out less than you will look up to
you. Always lift them up and tell them they can do it. Be positive
and joyful. When your Mum and I were doing Amway or Kleeneze, they would
say things like “You have a bar of gold you want to share, but when you do,
they have their bar, but you still have yours.” I know that that was due
to the nature of the business plan they used, but it is also what the Gospel is
about – you have something to share that is way beyond gold or jewels, but just
because you share it and try and give it away, you don’t lose any of what you
had, in fact it’s increased! This is better than any worldly business
plan or model!
Go to, till the garden, work hard and
thrust in your sickle with all your might that ye may lay up treasure in
Heaven, not treasure that moth and rust corrupts, but treasures of brothers and
sisters who have excepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who will be forever
grateful that Elder Zachariah David John Mitchell knocked on their door.
They will praise your name forever and call you blessed!
Work hard, these last week months will fly by
and before you know it, you will be standing at the steps of the Temple for the
last time as a young missionary. Don’t waste a minute of it.
Take care. I know you are on the Lord’s
errand and you are where you are meant to be. Jesus is our Saviour and
loves us. All we need to do is to give him all our sins and follow
him. This is my testimony and I leave with you in the name of Jesus
Christ, Amen.
Hey Dad,
thank you very much for your
inspirational email, it is really uplifting and insightful. Yeah, its not too
long before I will have served as long as you, you part-timer! haha I'm
teasing. It is a scary time though as the sister missionaries in my group go
home next week, shows me my time is coming, so I just have to work as hard as I
can with the time I have left. John 9:4 comes to mind when I think how long I
have left "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the
night cometh, when no man can work." it is so true, my days out here are
numbered so I need to work as hard as I can, while I can.
I love you Dad, and I am ever grateful
for your example by serving your mission all those years ago. I hope I am
setting a good enough example for my future children.
Love you Dad
Elder Mitchell
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